Our Parish Team
Rev. Msgr. Jacques L. Plante

Msgr. Plante was born in Providence, RI and grew up in the Edgewood section of Cranston, where he attended the local parish school and then Our Lady of Providence Preparatory Seminary High School. He earned his bachelor's degree from Rhode Island College, majoring in Social Welfare. He completed his studies for the Priesthood at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., from which he received his M.A. degree in Theology. He was ordained as a priest of the Diocese of Providence in June of 1982.
Msgr. Plante was appointed Pastor of St. Aidan and Administrator of St. Patrick parish in June of 2016 by Most Rev. Thomas L. Tobin. Prior to his move to Cumberland, Msgr. Plante had served in the parishes of St. Bernard, North Kingstown; Immaculate Conception, Cranston; SS John and James, West Warwick;and St. Mary, Providence. He also served as Assistant Chancellor and Secretary to the Bishop, Chancellor for Administrative Affairs and Diocesan Director of Pastoral Planning.
Pastoral Coordinator
Moira McCarty
Moira McCarty oversees St. Aidan-St. Patrick's administrative projects, as well as the Faith Formation Program. She graduated from Le Moyne College, a private Jesuit institution in Syracuse, New York, where she majored in Religious Studies and minored in Business and Music. In addition to her academic honors, she also received a Lumen Gentium Distinguished Catholic Youth Award in 2018.
Moira is now studying for a Masters in Theological Studies at St. John Seminary in Boston. Moira, who is from Manville, previously served as coordinator of Faith Formation, Evangelization and Parish Outreach at St. James Parish.