Faith Formation at St Aidan-St Patrick
For all inquiries about our faith formation programs contact our Pastoral Coordinator, Moira McCarty, by email,, or phone,
Religious Education
Our religious education programs utilize volunteer catechists to instill the truths of our Catholic faith. We render an essential service in building strong character and deep religious commitment for grades Pre -K through 10. Registration can be applied online using this link here. Classes begin in September and run through early May on Sunday mornings from 9:30am - 10:45am.
Tuition and Fees: $50 per family
No family is denied participation for inability to pay tuition or fees.
First Communion Preparation
The Holy Mass is at the center of our Catholic life because the Holy Eucharist is “the source and summit” of our Faith.
First Communion and First Penance take place in second grade.
Confirmation Preparation
Confirmation compliments baptism by sealing and strengthening the believer to live as a child of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Our Confirmation program is a two year program starting in the eighth grade and continues in ninth grade. Students make their confirmation in the fall of tenth grade.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process to welcome new members in to the Catholic Church through the process of education, faith sharing, and rituals.
RCIA involves several stages which together help someone move from an initial motivation to deeper relationship with Jesus and his Church. The high point of this process is the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist) which are ordinarily received by adults at the Easter Vigil Mass. The Catholic Church honors baptism as a sacrament that may be validly received even in Christian communities and traditions that are not Catholic. Those who have already been baptized are prepared to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church and receive the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion at the time of their reception.
The Church understands that people approach the Catholic Church for a variety of reasons. That is why the RCIA process begins with what is typically called Inquiry, a time to learn basic teachings of Catholicism, find answers to questions, and begin to experience the community life of their parish church. For the unbaptized who are ready to make a formal commitment to learning the faith and preparing for the sacraments, the Rite of Acceptance is celebrated (a similar ceremony called the Rite of Welcoming is for the baptized).
The next period is called the Catechumenate and is a time of learning and more intense preparation for Catholic life. Corresponding with the season of Lent, the unbaptized enter into a period called Purification and Enlightenment by participating in the Rite of Election with their bishop (a similar ceremony, the Call to Continuing Conversion is for the baptized).
This culminates in the Easter reception of the Sacraments of Initiation. Those who were previously baptized sometimes are received into the Church at this time and may also be admitted into the Church at another time of the year according to their readiness.
Ongoing Formation
Following initiation, new Catholics go through the period of Mystagogy which normally coincides with Lent. This is a time to deepen understanding and participation in the sacraments.
SPRED is a special religious development program specifically designed to meet the spiritual needs of persons with developmental disabilities. It invites and trains volunteers from the parish to prepare a special place: a small community of faith, specifically formed to welcome persons with developmental disabilities. Within these communities of faith, participants discover friendship in one-on-one relationships, a place where they belong, and their own giftedness and dignity.
Family Ministry
Our Family Ministry Team seeks to fully integrate our youth’s formal Faith Formation classes with the living out of those principles in our church community and world. We give youth opportunities to meet Christ in the sacraments, prayer, and service. Our schedule of events can be found below.
June: Car Wash and Ice Cream Social
July: Summer Family Bingo Night
August: Back to School Bash
Plus, a trip to see the Woo Sox !