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Religious Education

Our religious education programs utilize volunteer catechists to instill the truths of our Catholic faith. We render an essential service in building strong character and deep religious commitment. For more information, contact Moira McCarty at or 401-333-5897.

Family Ministry

The Church is not a place we go to but a family we belong to. Our Family Ministry seeks to create a supportive environment for families with children to grow in faith and fellowship, build up Catholic culture and find in the Church a second home. We hope to meet the real needs of families and allow friendships to form. For more information, sign up for notifications on Flocknote.

Family Decorating Eggs
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Women's Group:
Friends in Faith

We promote faith, friendship and service, providing an outlet for women of the parish to discuss and live their faith. Our goal is to support one another, our parish and community. Meetings are the first Sunday of the month from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the parish hall. Sign-up for notifications on Flocknote.

Music Ministry

"Music is a way for God to lead us to the realm of higher things," St. Augustine once said. Join us. For more information, contact the Fortins at

Church Choir Singers and Music Sheets

Prayer Shawls

We provide shawls for individuals in our parish and the broader community. Join us.

Sign-up for notifications on Flocknote.

Men of St. Joseph

We are an association of Christian men, united under the Catholic Church. We meet on the 2nd Thursday of every month at the Parish Hall to pray together and encourage each other to be the spiritual leaders of the family. For more information, contact Paul D`Ambrosia at 401-556-4364 or Email: You may also sign up on Flocknote.

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Image by Patrick Fore

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus has helped strengthen men, their families, parishes and communities since 1882. Today, there are more than 19 million members doing good across the world. For more information, contact Tom Boucher at



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St. Aidan - St. Patrick Parish,  1460 Diamond Hill Rd., Cumberland, RI  |  Tel: 401-333-5897

 Office Hours: Mon - Thu: 8:30 am- 3:30 pm​​ | Email:

©2025 by St. Aidan-St. Patrick Parish

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